"The Kingdom Changer's Young People United"
The Kingdom Crew
Provides a fellowship & supporting network which encourages spiritual growth and maturity for members
between the ages of 18-35.
Kingdom Teens
Provides a fellowship and supporting network, coordinating programs and activities which minister to teens
ages 13-17. The focus is on social and spiritual interactions, sound Christian principles and the
development of social skills. This ministry seeks to encourage teen's spiritual growth and development in active, diverse,
fun-filled environments.
Kingdom Youth
Provide coordination of programs and activities which direct and develop children up to age 12 to an awareness
and understanding of their place in the Kingdom of God.
Youth Ministry Bible Study
Get ready for 2007! We have a full schedule ahead of us, to be posted soon!
-Pastor J
Remember to bring your BIBLES, Notebooks, and Pens!!!
Get READY Get READY!!! Each 4th Sunday is Youth Super Sunday! Each
4th Sunday the Young People of AGA will be in charge and doing what they do best, GOING IN! Get ready for a mighty outpour
of God's spirit!
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to submit them to "Pastor J" below.
You may also submit your assignment EARLY!! To submit your assignment early e-mail it to Pastor J at YouthPastahJ@aol.com.